4.12 Creating a Fax Internally
STFax 4 allows you to create a fax from a number of s external sources
such as an image, a text file, DTP document and so on. However, you also have
the option of creating a fax internally, through the 'Edit fax' window (which is
also the same window as 'Send fax').
To create an internal fax (ie. a fax generated from within STFax), click on the
"New Fax" button on the main STFax window and an 'Edit fax' window will appear.
This window has two main tasks: it allows you to create a new fax from
scratch and edit a fax at a later date.
Fax Details
This area severs two purposes. Firstly you can enter the cover note information
that you want to accompany your fax document. If you choose to add a cover, an
A5 document will be sent before the main fax document.
Secondly this window can be used to write a quick fax to someone. Say you just
want to write a note to someone who isn't contactable by phone, you would enter
their details, enter your note into the Note: section, and press
'transmit' to send the fax.
- Send to: - the phone number of the remote fax machine (ie. the person
receiving the fax document). You can select a number from your phonebook by
clickin on the drop down button.
- Cover - there are two options. "Don't add a cover page" ghosts the
rest of this page and doesn't send a coverpage with your fax document. "Add a
cover page" will send an A5 coverpage before you main fax document.
- To: - the name of the person you are sending your fax to, this
only appears on the coverpage.
- Attn: - the person marked for the attention. You could use a company
name in 'To:' and the person within the 'Attn:' field.
- LetterHead: - this is a letter head that will attach to the top of
your cover page. You could design an image or text document and then attach this
as your letterhead.
- Signature: - the signature that appears underneath your coverpage.
Again, you can use an image or text document.
- Note: - any notes you want to see on the coverpage. This could be
anything like "Chris, look through these and get back to me ASAP, Mike", or
Transmit - this button sends/transmits the current (ie. edited)
fax document. When you click 'transmit' any attachments will be converted to one
fax document (with multiple pages) and trasmitted. Note that once you click
'transmit' you can not then remove attachments from this processed fax document.
Schedule - this option will schedule the current fax document to
be sent/transmitted at a later date/time, depending on what you inserted into
the schedule window.
Scheduled fax documents will be stored within the 'scheduled' folder.
Store - store the current fax document. Instead of transmitting
or scheduling the document, you can store the document for later manipulation.
View Fax will view the current fax document, including
attachments. If you want to see what your fax document will look like, click on
'view fax'. STFax will convert all attachments into fax files and will show them
as individual pages.
Note that unlike click the 'transmit' button, you can still remove/add/edit the
attachments after click on 'view fax'.
Scan - scan in a fax page (as an attachment) from your scanner,
using ScanQuix.
Phonebook - start the phonebook.
This window allows you to load in external files to be sent as 'attachments'
with your main fax document. These attachments can other STFax fax documents
(ie. you can attached additional fax documents to your master fax), image files
or text documents (ASCII txt files).
Click on the Add button to attach your files. A requestor will appear.
Each attachment represents one additional page.
When you attach your file(s) to your document, the will be converted into a fax
file. Note that If you load an image to be converted to a fax, unless it is smaller than
an A4 page (297 x 210mm or 1728 x 2000 pixels) it needs to be scaled to fit
within the page. Check the "scale image" box before you convert your image.
By using the New text button, you can create a basic text message via the internal editor. Simply type
text into the main window. You can also call an external editor
which is configured within MUI prefs (see the section on configuring MUI
for further information).